


Bernardo Cruz

Bernardo Cruz

Bernardo Cruz




Persona Podcast

Persona Podcast

Persona Podcast

Where To Listen:

Where To Listen:

Join me in engaging conversation revolving around everything that encompasses one's "persona".  I set out with this podcast to learn from my guest as they share experiences and life lessons that molded them into the person they are today.

Join me in engaging conversation revolving around everything that encompasses one's "persona".  I set out with this podcast to learn from my guest as they share experiences and life lessons that molded them into the person they are today.

Where To Listen:

Join me in engaging conversation revolving around everything that encompasses one's "persona".  I set out with this podcast to learn from my guest as they share experiences and life lessons that molded them into the person they are today.


I am a 32 year old Mexican-Native American who loves deep conversation. Jeez this sounds like a dating profile.. I do like long walks so theres that. I started this podcast journey with the effort of quenching an unsatiable thirst for conversation and first-hand knowledge from people who have a plethora of life experiences. Very often our egos as humans denies us the ability to embrace humility and admit when we can learn from the person sitting across from us. Literally or virtually. Falling into this ego trap deprives us from plunging into endless streams of consciousness propelled by innate curiosity. I am unable to determine when my "Road to Damascus moment occurred but I am embracing this life path wholeheartedly.


With a focus on the dualities that we as humans embrace everyday depending on our interactions and settings. I will share my own stories and the podcast would be a back-and-forth conversation with a mixture of a slight interview as well.  Without taking myself too seriously and allowing levity when appropriate, I want to listen and learn what makes up the persona of each human from various walks of life. Molded by life experiences for the better or worst our persona is shaped and rendered complex and as unique as our DNA code. So let’s talk.


Are you ready to create something together?

let's talk.

Let's Talk.

let's talk.

Copyright © 2024 Bernardo Cruz

Designed by Sabrina Awdi